The process of welding the fiber consists of the connection of optical fibers through the means of using high -temperature heat treatment. Welding of the fiber is performed using special welding machines that will allow you to perform the necessary complex of welding work.
Welding of optics originates from an optical cable, which is cut in the process, and cable veins are cleaned, on the fibers of a certain cable, after which a special coupling is put on. All that remains and everything that should be connected subsequently is laid in a special clamp. The process of welding the fiber requires knowledge and experience in this process will not work without using a microscope, since the size of the fibers is very small.
All the remaining cable fibers, which were not sent to the coupling, as we have already said, are clamped and with the help of a special microscope, a shift in the cable fibers is made. After this stage, the cooking process is carried out, for welding the optical fiber, the arc according to the rules should be inflated to high temperature. Receiving the desired temperature, the cable fibers are connected.
When using a special welding machine, it takes several minutes after all welding operations using the apparatus to check the jet connection, which will allow you to clarify the quality of the cooked cable fibers.