Normally, the frequency of blows of the human heart should be from 60-70, but it often happens that it reaches 90, this indicates such a violation as tachycardia. During pregnancy, it is completely natural to increase the performance of all vital organs by 2 times. One of the causes of the rapid heartbeat in pregnant women is a considerable presence of certain hormones, the peculiarity of which is the presence of (sympatomy) activity, which causes an increase in heart rate.
A woman who is waiting for the baby is no longer alone, there are at least two on one organism (mother and child), therefore the “motor” (heart) works with a vengeance by force, and tachycardia is also facilitated by weight, which is naturally gained by the future mother.
Bad habits can serve the development of tachycardia during pregnancy (smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee, as well as some drugs, all these points should be attentively carefully.
Tachycardia during pregnancy is a heart rate of more than 90 beats in one minute and at rest, a woman does not feel pain, only insignificant discomfort sensations. It so happens that the number of shocks per minute goes over for 120, in such cases, a woman feels very poorly, a general malaise arises, her head is spinning and he is very sick. If such situations arise, then immediately you need to notify your attending physician about this, because this condition requires special control, observation and systematic individual treatment. Doctors strongly recommend everyone, without exception, pregnant women thoroughly check the condition of their hearts (pass ECG and Echocardiography). All the examinations that the doctor offers you should definitely go through in order to find out the state of the whole organism as a whole and, if something is wrong, then it will be corrected in time with the means that the attending doctor will be attributed to you.