Boiled and downstream sausage products are appreciated for a delicate, spicy, brackish taste. Their composition is regulated by industry standards. Boiled-captured sausage has a heterogeneous granular consistency. For the manufacture of such products, frozen meat and bacon are used, which are crushed, but do not grind into minced meat.
Features of the technological process
Pork, beef, bird, sometimes lamb can be used as the basis for boiled-cocked products. Different spices in moderate quantities help to emphasize the taste of the product: nutmeg, black pepper, cardamom, etc. D. As a thickened, manufacturers usually use starch. For the manufacture of sausage, it is impossible to use twice frozen meat, as well as raw materials, the shelf life of which exceeded 9 months.
The production of boiled-wrapped products includes several main stages:
Preparation of raw materials. Meat is thawed to a temperature of approximately +18 degrees. This process takes from 18 to 24 hours. After defrosting, half -touches are cleaned, cut, lived in varieties. Large tendons, blood vessels, bones should be absent in processed meat.
Exposure of raw materials in the embankment. Pre-chopped material is mixed with salt, after which the mass is left to be exposed for 1-2 days at a temperature of +2-4 ° C.
Preparation of the meat base. Tested raw materials are processed in chopped minced meat, consisting of pieces with a diameter of 2-8 mm, depending on the type of boiled-captive sausage. At this stage, the meat mass is connected to the bacon, spices and other components.
Filling the shell. At this stage, the pre -prepared film is filled with filling using vacuum hydraulic syringes.
Draft. Batons of sausages are placed on special frames and sent to a chamber with a temperature of +2-4 degrees and a moisture content of 80%. The blanks are withstanding from 6 hours to 2 days. During this time, the meat mass in the shell is compacted.
Heat treatment. The type of sausage under consideration passes two stages of smoking (primary and secondary), between which the products are welded.
Finished products are cooled up to +6-8 ° C. Boiled-cocked sausage can be stored at a temperature of not more than +4 ° C for 20-28 days. If the airtight packaging was opened, it is recommended to wrap the product with parchment paper and keep in the refrigerator at +2-9 degrees no longer than two weeks.
Choosing a quality product
High -quality sausage is interspersed from white bacon. The yellowish shade of the fat speaks of its non -confidence, pink – about the presence of dye in products. The products should not have artificial flavorings. If the sausage has a pungent smell of spices, most likely the meat was used for its manufacture not the first freshness.
When choosing boiled-captive products, pay attention to its appearance. The surface of the buffets of sausage should be even, slightly dried, without suspicious spots, mucus and other signs of damage. Sliced slices of quality products easily turn off and do not break.