Nature itself took care that the baby is provided with food immediately after birth. And at the same time, many women are afraid that they have problems with breastfeeding.
After the first month of pregnancy in the body of a woman, a special hormone begins to be developed for lactation (milk production in mammary glands). This hormone is produced by the placenta and helps the woman with the woman to prepare in advance for the upcoming feeding process.
Where can problems come from with breastfeeding? One thing needs to be remembered here: there are very few reasons why a woman really cannot feed her own baby. This is due only to serious diseases.
A healthy full -fledged woman can face only some difficulties that may seem to her a reason for the rejection of breastfeeding a baby. And then it all depends on the intention of the mother herself to feed her newborn baby. If the woman did not initially want to breastfeed, she unknowingly finds any reason to abandon this venture.
Many women, before childbirth, are vaguely imagined what difficulties they will need to encounter when leaving the baby. Many people believe that newborn children are Teddy plush bears who calmly lie in their cribs and do not bother mom in vain. And then it turns out that the child requires one hundred percent of his mother’s time, and perceives her breast as part of his own body and protests from frequent separation from this varnish component of the body.
Sometimes it’s hard to immediately rebuild consciousness and meet the desires of the child. Often women are psychologically not ready to give themselves to the child so much. And as part of this protest, imaginary problems with breastfeeding appear. In fact, there is nothing more natural than breastfeeding.
Women who were able to overcome the first difficulties, then generously reward. Firstly, breastfeeding is much more convenient than using artificial mixtures. And secondly, the good health of the child, a healthy stomach and powerful immunity-the best reward for nursing mothers.
What nuances do you need to know in order to smoothly enter this idyll of breastfeeding? Firstly, you need to morally prepare for the arrival of milk immediately after childbirth. It is advisable to limit the amount of fluid so that the chest simply does not smash. And vice versa, if milk is reluctant, you should drink more various teas, especially herbal ones that contribute to lactation.
Then you need to find a convenient position for feeding. You can feed the child lying on the side. If you are afraid to crush the baby, you can practice with toys. If the house has a big soft toy dog or bear, you can use it to find the safest and most convenient position. This feeding method is very convenient if you often have to feed the baby at night. In a month, you can make a rite of night feeding in a half -day. This will help the young mother get enough sleep, which will affect her appearance well and on the amount of milk.