No matter how it is, it is very difficult to achieve a woman, good career growth. Those distant are no more fairly temporary, passed, in which there was a cruel discrimination, but as if there were no, the standing leadership prefers to put a man – a man – a man. There are a large number of different reasons that do not allow to put a woman – the boss. For example, permanent sick leave, all kinds of parental meetings in schools and kindergartens and all that way. Even young girls, higher than the standing leadership, do not put the head of any department, since they believe that, most likely, their young employee will want to get married and in the first place for her, of course there will be a family, not work. To get a good and highly paid position, it would not hurt to have close friends, as well as parents. Which would provide you with excellent work and a good prestigious position. If you have no friends who could help you, then it is very difficult for you to get a good position in the company, and you can simply forget about career growth. In order to provide yourself with good career growth, you need to prove yourself from the best side. Make it clear above the standing leadership that only you are able to cope with the volume of such work, and if you are appointed by the boss, you can justify the confidence received. All these are small secrets that will help you in your career growth.
Tips for novice careerists
To begin with, you will need to find out more about the company in which you would like to make your career. This company should be prosperous, do not waste your precious time on a hopeless company, which has things to go worse and worse. If the chosen company has proven itself well, then you can start work. The main advice to beginner careers, do not gossip around their personality. Your reputation may deteriorate, because for the above -standing leadership, such an employee is not needed. And most likely, you cannot with such a reputation, get a good career growth. All your forces and interests should be in your work, show yourself from the best side, and such work will not remain unnecessary. Confidence and activity, these qualities should have a novice careerist. As you know, there are no irreplaceable people, but there are fairly responsible employees on whom they make their bets, higher than the leadership. It is such employees who are able to manage the ways to perform a certain amount of work.
The appearance of envy can harm your career growth. Suppose in your team, another employee copes with the same work much better, does not need to envy him. Do not spoil the relationship with this person, and of course it is not in any occasion to fall into rage and show hatred. This behavior of rage wakes up noticeably from the outside, this will ruin your reputation, and will negatively affect your career growth. Healthy competition, this is a normal phenomenon in a large team, there is something to learn, and there is someone to go to go to. You are no worse, and if you try a little, then you will also do it with ease, your work. Career growth in this case, you are provided with.
Do not keep your superiors, from this your career growth will not improve. Such employees use, but never raised in position. If you explain in simple language, then such people in the team are called “six. It is necessary to communicate with such employees carefully, as they say, the walls also have ears.
You should not constantly think only about work, offer your superiors and the whole team will be poisoned on vacation, for example, to nature. Such versatile employees of the company are very popular, this helps to improve career growth. Each above the standing leader, of course, will not disregard your candidacy, in the place of the boss. And you can congratulate you, in this rhythm, you will be able to secure yourself, excellent career growth.