Sometimes it happens that some time after applying for a loan for the purchase of a new or used car you can be fired from work, or you, for example, will get sick. In any case, you will have to get rid of a credit car! It is not easy to do this, because your vehicle is registered with the traffic police, where there is a letter from your bank, which prohibits reinterpret the car to another person or remove it from the register. How to sell a car in a car loan without violating the agreement with the bank?The first method
This method can be carried out if it is not directly prohibited by the bank loan agreement. Its essence is as follows: you agree with the buyer to purchase a car by proxy. This means that the power of attorney for owning a car is compiled at a notary public in the name of the buyer. The buyer is calculated with you, and you, accordingly, pay off your loan at the bank. For the buyer, this method is very risky, because the seller can be fooled. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find a buyer in this case.
The second method
In order to sell the car in a car loan, you must contact your bank and write a statement about the intention of selling a loan car. Together with the statement, a contract of sale should be attached. You can compose it in the traffic police or at the notary. The borrower repays a loan on a car, and the traffic police receives a letter from the bank, which takes off the ban on the sale of your car. After that, you and the buyer go to the traffic police, remove the car and reissue it according to all the rules on the last. The legal security of the buyer and seller with this method is the most optimal.
The third way
With this method, your car in a loan cannot be a key. As a collateral, you draw up (by agreement with the bank) other property (apartment, garage). In this case, the ban on the sale of a car is removed and switches to the above property. After this procedure, a credit car can be removed from the traffic police without problems and re -registered to the buyer. Then draw up a contract of sale and the funds received from the sale of a car, close the loan on property in the pledge. With this method, all participants are also defended legally, but it requires cash costs and a sufficient amount of time to re -register the pledge.