I would like to know what principle our distributors are guided by when they choose a film to march it with the phrase “Watch in all cinemas!”.
Probably not how deep meaning is invested in the film. Rather, such an honor is awarded films designed to entertain the viewer. Or vote to advertise (or even impose) a certain lifestyle. This film does not advertise anything, you cannot advertise the loneliness and forced independence of the child.
If you are not ready to awaken conscience, for the revision of modern reality, which, as a rule, does not concern prosperous families, you better not watch the Cook film. His motto authors of the script chose the slogan “Cinema about love”. It was not shown on wide screens, and the film came to his viewer through TVs. And those who did not have time to see it during the broadcast can easily find and look right here /Watch /82164. But, the film is worth watching it with the children. Of course, the child is more pleasant and easier to watch cartoons 2011, colorful and funny, but too light.
The tie in the film is almost boring, well -weed young girl, who became very empty in her life. And to her attempts to turn to her parents for help, they answered formal attention, or rather, with a complete misunderstanding, such as “what you need, money? Take on the shelf “. The race for well -being often leads to giving family members, no matter how sad it is. And, here, she, taking this opportunity, moves to the northern capital (Peter) and from longing takes up the first work that came across – the work of a social worker in the state structure. Another scratching soul, the nuance of our time is a matter that it is taken, a very useful and right -handed thing, to help orphans and need to organize help from the state, absolutely not prestigiously and financially wretched.
This work seems stupid and meaningless to the moment when the heroine, unexpectedly collides with a tiny, but already extremely adult girl, independently (!) living at a construction site.
I would like to separately note the game of a little actress, Nastya Dobrynina, masterfully and sincerely played a little vagabond. Moreover, at the time of filming, the girl did not yet know how to read, all the words, she memorized each mise -en -scene by heart (it is so pleasant that the actress, unlike her heroine, has a sensitive and loving mother!).
But one person cannot make a picture of a standing viewing, and this film is worth watching it. Not a single fake note, artificial gesture, unjustified emotion, vulgar or banal turn of events. The entire acting team laid out one hundred percent and earned not only gratitude for the good game, but also gratitude for not spoiling such a serious topic. This, of course, does not cancel the desire to watch cartoons 2011, but sometimes it is worth neglecting the habit of thinking thoughtlessly by the monitor and survive sincere, full -fledged, burning to the tears of the ups and downs of this film.
Touring for the deepest strings that make it not formally, but with horror to look at statistics on Russia (more than 700 thousand orphans at the current moment need the help of the state and citizens) and think about what exactly you can do to correct the situation. Children should not be alone, should not grow up before, should not, but… grow and grow up rapidly and hopelessly. And pass by – blasphemy.